Multi-faceted – Waterkloof winery, Cape Town – June 2012
Saturday Snapshots is a series of non-food photographs published every Saturday on CookSister. Previously featured photographs can be viewed on the Saturday Snapshots archive page. Many photos featured in Saturday Snapshots are available to buy as high-quality greeting cards or prints in my RedBubble store, or even as high-quality A3-size calendars. If you want a custom calendar with your own selection of photos, starting with any month (not only January), please e-mail me and we can discuss your requirements. Calendars for 2012 include FLOWERS and RAW – they make great gifts, for friends, family or for yourself.
clear as crystal! near perfect. love the light firey highlights
Ohhh, this made me smile. 🙂 I have always loved crystals – maybe from watching Pollyanna too often? 🙂 Beautiful. 🙂
Bling bling
@Andrew – thank you! I was lucky that the light was just right to create those rainbow highlights!
@Krista – me too!! I fell in love with crystals because we used to stay in a hotel with crystal chandeliers when I was little – and the fascination has never stopped 🙂
@Firefly – it was a whole lotta bling! 🙂
@Rosa – thanks, bella! 🙂