Royal Wedding, Hyde Park – April 2011
When I watched the 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles & Lady Diana on a portable TV in a classroom in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, I would never have believed you if you told me that on the day their son got married, I would be living in London and walking around Hyde Park watching the wedding live from nearby Westminster Abbey on huge screens in Hyde Park. But I am, and I did.
Fairytales may not really exist, but sometimes dreams do come true.
[More of my photos of the day available in my Royal Wedding Flickr album].
This is part of a series of non-food photographs that will be published every Saturday on CookSister – previously featured photographs can be viewed on the Saturday Snapshots archive pages. Photos featured in Saturday Snapshots are available to buy as high-quality greeting cards or prints in my RedBubble store, or even as gorgeous A3-size 2011 CookSister calendars for foodies, for London-lovers, Italophiles or beach lovers.
If you want a custom calendar with your own selection of photos, starting in a month other than January, please e-mail me and we can discuss your requirements. They make great gifts, for friends or for yourself 🙂
Don’t forget that this month I am hosting the Monthly Mingle, my darling sister Meeta’s monthly event. The theme is Topless Tarts and you have until 30 April midnight tomorrow, 1 MAY, to get your entries to me! Full details are available on my announcement post.
We watched at Erica too, back in 1981! 🙂
O you were there! I didn’t actually see any of it yet. O well I am sure there will be lids of photos to look at. I’ll check them out on your flickr page!
Hey ! I went to Erica too !
How awesome it must have been to have actually been there in person!!!!!
I watched the original Royal Wedding while visiting Army expat friends in Germany in the school holidays. I also never would have believed you if you’d have told me I’d be in my home in South Africa next time round – my husband having especially subscribed to Dstv so we could watch it!