After the rain – Seillans, France, October 2004
This is the time of year when I start feeling a creeping fear – fear of the long, nights, fear of my freezing toes, fear of broken heating systems, fear of my frostbitten nose. I wake up in the morning to greyness. I go out at lunchtime into greyness. I come home in greyness, segueing into darkness. And more often that not, there is a drizzle to accompany it. But some mornings (like this morning), the rain of the previous night clears and I awake to leaves scattered with diamonds in the watery sunlight. Joy returns!
This is part of a series of non-food photographs that will be published every Saturday on CookSister – all previously featured photographs can be viewed on the Saturday Snapshots compendium page. All photos featured in Saturday Snapshots are available to buy as high-quality greeting cards or prints in my RedBubble store. They make gifts, for friends or for yourself!
Pretty! And just look at your lovely bokeh.
excellent capture… lovely ‘freshness’
Lovely, poetic.
Hate to do this to you, but I love this time of year. Days are getting longer. Evenings are nice to sit outside on the patio (except when the wind blows). Mornings are crisp early on, but warm up fast. Summer is coming. YAY!
A beautiful photograph! I love your Saturday Snapshots.
I’m with you on the impending winter…not looking forward to it at all. Here in Minnesota we can look forward to (tongue in cheek) -30 degrees F. and several feet of snow – yikes!
I love the photo,I too am not looking forward to the winter , but hey it is going to come regardless so we may as well make the most of it !!! lots of nights in the pub , nice food and good company always help