Court of the Lions, Alhambra Palace – Granada, July 2005
The Court of the Lions is the main court of the Nasrid Palace, part of the spectacular Alhambra, a Moorish citadel in Granada, southern Spain. It was constructed in the second half of the 14th century, during the reign of Muhammad V and consists of twelve carved marble lions surrounding a fountain. It is one of the most beautiful and mesmerising places I have ever visited, and the photo is appropriate as I will be doing so again this week. If you have not visited the Alhambra and Granada, I cannot recommend it highly enough as a place to marvel, to admire and to dream.
This is part of a series of non-food photographs that will be published every Saturday on CookSister – all previously featured photographs can be viewed on the Saturday Snapshots archive pages. All photos featured in Saturday Snapshots are available to buy as high-quality greeting cards or prints in my RedBubble store. They make gifts, for friends or for yourself!
Gorgeous photo! We’ll be going there next year 🙂
South Africa has so many beautiful and interesting things and places to see, but the European sights are very different and have its own appeals. I wish I had to financial means to go and see these, but thats thew beauty of blogging. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. LOL!
Pragtig. Toe ons by die Alhambra was in Junie was hul besig om hierdie fontein te restoureer, so ons kon net stukkies sien wat onder die plastiek uitsteek. Dit bly ‘n magiese plek.