Roosterkoek (literally grill cake – say “roor-stir-cook” and try to roll those r’s!) is the traditional bread to accompany a braai or BBQ. The roosterkoek are simply balls of bread dough cooked on a grid over the coals, and are best eaten piping hot and straight off the grill. There are other traditional braai breads (e.g. potbread), but these require a cast iron three-legged pot with a flat base, whereas all you need for roosterkoek is some dough and a fire! My earliest delicious memory of roosterkoek is eating it at a now-defunct restaurant in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.
The restaurant bore the unlikely name of the Why-Not (and for those of you who may think you recall it, I am not talking about the restaurant that occupied the upper level of the modern complex overlooking the Central Beach parking lot – I am talking about the old white building that preceded it and fell victim to a fire in the early 1980s). The chef patron was French and the unusual name was a direct translation of “Pourquois Pas?” which (I think) was what he started out calling his restaurant. But to us as kids, it was simply “the French restaurant”, and I remember the restaurant primarily for two things: – the bearded French chef had a notoriously volatile temper and could often be heard yelling in the kitchen, long before Gordon Ramsay made this seem commonplace; and – instead of the usual boring basket of bread, they served roosterkoek before the meal. It always came to the table piping hot off the grill, together with a little bowl of anchovy butter and was the most simply delicious thing I had ever eaten.
Because my father was never the most enthusiastic braaier in the world, we never had roosterkoek at home, but as a teenager I was thrilled to discover that friends could make this stuff on demand, and on a braai!! Better still was the realisation that you could cut preparation time down by buying ready-made bread dough from a local bakery. They would sell the melon-size ball of dough, risen and ready to go, in an inflated plastic bag and all you had to do was make breadroll-sized balls and pop them on the grid! But even if you make your dough from scratch, these are not difficult to make and provide a whole lot of delicious for not a lot of effort. It takes a bit of skill to get the rolls to bake through without creating a layer of charcoal around the outside, and even more skill and vigilance to make sure they don’t stick irretrievably to the grid, but once you have the hang of it there’s no looking back!
The recipe below is a slightly adapted version of the one passed along to me via my dear friend Donald, from Tannie Joan (remember – she of the Three Tannies fame?) – thanks Tannie! For those of you who want to perfect your roosterkoek skills, it may also be helpful to bear in mind the following hints and tips:
- make sure the dough is on the stiff side (reduce the liquid if necessary). If it is too runny, the dough is going to drip through the grid before the rolls have a chance to bake!
- get your braai grid as clean as possible if you are going to make roosterkoek – blackened reminders of the Ghosts of Braais Past clinging to your roosterkoek is not pretty or clever.
- to stop the rolls from sticking to the grid, lightly oil your grid. Also make sure the rolls are shaped on a floured board so that they have a little some flour clinging to the outside.
- be very careful with the fire you plan to cook these on. It should be neither too large (i.e flames licking the rolls!), nor too hot (black outside + runny inside = “No thanks, not really hungry today!”). Use the hand-over-the-coals endurance test as described in my earlier post – if you can hold your hand there for 10 seconds or more, you are probably OK. Also make sure that the coals are distributed as evenly as possible before putting the roosterkoek on the grid.

- 300 g plain flour
- 10 ml instant yeast
- 5 ml salt
- 15 ml sugar
- 30 ml sunflower oil
- 180-200 ml warm water
Mix the yeast and sugar together in a small cup together with a little of the warm water and stir. The mixture should foam after a minute or two. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour and salt, then add the oil and water while mixing continuously. When the mixture comes together to form a dough, add the yeast and sugar and mix well.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for a few minutes. Place the kneaded dough in a lightly greased plastic bag or in a lightly greased bowl covered with a damp tea towel and allow to rise for about an hour, or until it has doubled in volume.
Divide the dough into 12 roughly equal pieces and shape into slightly flattened balls on a floured surface. Place on a baking sheet and cover with clingfilm. Leave to rise for another 15 minutes.
Place the braai grid over evenly distributed direct coals and allow to heat for 5 minutes. Lightly grease the grid and place the rolls directly on it for about 15-20 minutes. Alternatively, place the baking sheet in an oven at about 180C/350F for 15-20 minutes.
When half the cooking time has elapsed, turn the roosterkoek over. The roosterkoek are done when they are lightly browned, crispy on the outside and sound hollow when tapped. Remove from the fire/oven, split open and serve hot with butter.
Other bloggers baking up a storm with yeast include:
- Jamie’s Greek spiral feta rolls
- Asha’s garlic, Parmesan & parsley pull-apart bread
- Margot’s teddy bear yeast buns
I am submitting this recipe as my first (but hopefully not my last!) entry into this month’s Monthly Mingle, the even started by my gorgeous sister-from-another-mother Meeta. The theme she selected is South Africa – so how could I resist making something to show off my country’s cuisine to you? The deadline is 10 May – feel free to check out my South African recipes if you need some inspiration!
Yum yum yum!!! I just love roosterkoek. Really must make some again soon. It would go well with my gourmet soups that I am into. I remember the Why-Not but your little history lesson of it taught me much about it…so interesting. I call Plett the place that I love….I’m just working on my entry to Meeta’s event now. This bread would be the perfect accompaniment hehe..Did you get my email today? Hugs xx
Great post! I like the look of roosterkoek (I’d never heard of them before).
Roosterkoek also takes me right back to my childhood. But ours were normally readymade, bought from the QuickSpar! I am dying to make my own – the weather hasn’t turned nasty yet, so we may still be able to get in a few braais…
there is something similar the germans have, but it’s put on a stick (stock – in german) and then baked over an open fire – it’s called stockbrot (stickbread. thank you for bringing a few of these to the mingle and hope we get fresh ones in june :o)
Yum.. Yum… Yum…. Great post! I like it. 🙂
Ach my comment was eaten! Maybe it was as good as these tasty little breads? I love the idea of throwing little balls of dough onto a grill and baking them outside! Very cool! Now if only I had a grill…
You’re making me miss home! I love making roosterkoek and am slowly introducing them to the whole world, one small koek at a time!
Its braai season in brooklyn: I’ll be getting my flour and yeast out soon!
Oh those look fabulous! And what a great idea to bbq them!
Roosterkoek is right at the top of my list of fav foods. Hot off the coals with real butter, jam and perhaps some cheese. Damn, and here I am on a no carbs diet.
very cool. i like the simplicity of the ingredients. yum!
I am going to try this on my son’s grill when I go visit him next week. This sounds so good. Will let you know how it came out.
Oh, I’m fascinated by this bread! 🙂 I just found you via Sarah @MaisonCupcake and am so delighted by your blog and recipes. 🙂 I love the grill marks and the rustic flair it gives. 🙂
That restaurant would’ve won me over too – roosterkoek is the best. We had some delicious ones at KKNK two years ago – made at a street stall by some kerk tannies, it was the best thing that I ate for the whole of our trip. (even beat the yummy ostrich neck potjie we had the previous day)
I am counting down the days till the World Cup, 28!!! During that time I am hoping to learn more South African dishes, this being one of them. They look SO good!
These look great. I was trying to find some bread or dumpling that were of African origin. Thanks for sharing!
My blog celebrated Africa Day with a collection of recipes from across the continent. I would love your thoughts.
Many thanks – I can learn more about African cuisine.
I did Roosterkoek – They are very delicious! Great!
Post your recipe and video with Celia Smitv my blog.
Greetings, Diana
Nice post and pic about ‘roosterkoek’. I usually write about food in Amsterdam but am in Joburg for the time being and recently discovered roosterkoek at Arts on Main market. The Dutch word caught my eye. Such a simple idea, with such tasty results.
Only saw this post today and is busy making your Roosterkoek.I was there the night the Whynot Restaurant burned down.Very sad moment indeed.
This recipe is excellent – bravo! I recently moved to South Africa and have made it a dozen times to popular acclaim at weekend braais. For an interesting twist, I have tried making it with diced onion and cheese (halloumi or gruyere) on the inside – always a hit. Thanks!
Oh my word… roosterkoek with cheese inside :o)) Evil genius! Hope you are enjoying your time in my home country 🙂
Now That sounds like what I was looking for. When I was in South Africa the Spar and Pick n Pay used to sell something similar called a “Roastie”. It looked like a pre-cooked roll with garlic butter, cheese, onions basically a choice of fillings already in them – delicious.
I would be very interested to know how yours came out?!
Jeanne! I found this post because I blanked on the name roosterkoek, which we made in the Kruger. Thank you 🙂
But the Why Not? OMG. What was his name??? You could hear him screaming and throwing things in the kitchen as you walked down the hill! We stayed every summer in house just at the top of the hill, and I remember being sent down there, when the road was still dirt, to buy a bag of fresh croissants (which were the best) in the morning.
What was his name?
Monsieur BERNARD!
I remember the Why Not very well! It was the only place I was allowed to have a hamburger and drink coke. I grew up on a farm called Forest Hall during the 80’s. Plett was such a wonderful place and holds so many special memories for me!!
it sounds great definately going to try this 1 .thanks a lot for sharing….
Thanks! I live in Plett now, and remember the Why Not from my Childhood! My husband too!
We have a roosterkoek place in rustenburg, north west with a lot of filling to choose from 014 594 2689
Hi, it’s actually pronounced roo-stir, not roor-stir.
“the bearded French chef had a notoriously volatile temper and could often be heard yelling in the kitchen” – His name was Bernard Lyon. I remember the place really well. I was a young engineer working on the Garden Route Arch Bridges. We worked HARD, but partied even harder. Plett brings back some great memories. Nice recipe on the RoosterKoek – works really well
Kind regards
Hi Pete – thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Hah – great to come across somebody else who remembers the old Why-Not and their French chef! I can still taste that anchovy butter… My parents always speculated that the fire that eventually destroyed the restaurant may have had more to do with an insurance pay-out than anything else and sadly, nothing else on that site has ever had the character that the original Why-Not had. Wonder what happened to Bernard? Also, how cool that you worked on the arch bridges! I remember what a big event is was then they were opened and we did not ave to go down the passes to Natures’ Valley to get to Plett (although I really really miss roadside picnics in those passes…) Thanks for the stroll down memory lane and very glad you enjoyed the roosterkoek!
Put in a tablespoon of mixed herbs and some crushed garlic when making the dough. Yummy!
Hi! I would like to try making roosterkoek with sourdough starter. I can easily enough replace the yeast with starter and do those calculations, but do I adjust the method you describe for combining the ingredients? Usually for sourdough bread I would combine the flour, starter and about 80% of the water, allow it to autolyse, and then add the salt and remaining water. What method can I use here?