London Bus – April 2009
When you live in a city long enough and see its sights every day, your eye adjusts to them in such a way that you soon no longer notice the very things that first made the city seem so exciting and unique. Sometimes, it’s good to spend a day walking around reacquainting yourself with the icons that surround you and rekindle that old excitement. And it doesn’t get more iconic than a classic Routemaster bus against the backdrop of St Paul’s Cathedral.
This is part of a series of non-food photographs that will be published every Saturday on CookSister. Click here for a full list of photographs previously featured. All photos featured in Saturday Snapshots are available to buy as greeting cards or prints in my RedBubble store.
Wow it really is a classic shot! With Trafalgar Square on the No. 15 too! And no weird adverts on the side of the bus… how long did you have to wait for that one to come along!
What a great shot…I love the way the bus just pops off the page yet none of the background detail is lost.
What a great photo! Someday I will definitely come to London and you must show me some of these sights in person.
Oh, I thought you rode on it too! That would’ve turned you back into a tourist, magically 😛 I so agree!
I love the colour contrast in this shot as well as placing two iconic London subjects with each other! I will NEVER forget my walk up to the top of St Paul’s!
Beautiful shot, I love the bright red bus against the gray. *sigh* I miss you London.
Lovely photo, Jeanne! And I certainly enjoye riding these Routemaster buses – they’re really cool 🙂
It has been years since I have ridden an authentic doubledecker…although we have one here in K-town, but not red.
You are so right about not noticing things after a while, love the bus, great picture!! 🙂
Great photo! Took me back to my brief stay in London three years ago when I rode those buses around to see the sights.
This is unbelievable!!! Postcard style!!!
Love London Bus!
I have spent almost all afternoon showing this picture to Lucas 🙂 He keeps running up to me and asking to see the red bus, while waving his two Routemaster buses at the monitor. I think it’s safe to say that your photo is toddler-approved, Jeanne!
Wow – that is a beautiful photo. It really shows what I picture as England.
Oh, your picture made me homesick for London. I got to study there my junior year of college. I even got to visit after college, but I haven’t been back in a few years. How I miss it! This picture is absolutely fabulous. I think it’s time for me to start planning another trip!
Wow! I just came back from a trip to London last night…I may have been ON that bus 🙂 That is a stunning shot and much better than anything I took in my too few days there. Great job!