Yes folks, it’s time for the monthly tabloid shocker that is EoMEoTE – let’s see what muck our intrepid reporters raked up this time…
Page 3 Stunna Sam from Becks & Posh reveals “I’m a 68C girl – and that’s no yolk!”
Neil from Food for Thought eggsposes bizarre geriatric egg-laying – rock stars held for questioning.
Andrew from SpittoonExtra caught breadlessly with three extremely underage chicks!
Celebrity stalker Stephanie from Dispensing Happiness defies stict seggurity to smuggle in camera as Ava Gardensalad weds Ciabatta!
Reggulator threatens to step in as Elizabeth from Blog from our Kitchen is caught in flagrant disreggard for EoMEoTE rules scandal!
French cry fowl as Ilingc from Feed me I’m hungry! desecrates French toast with “foreign” bread!
The Lavender Cupcaker heads celebrity re-tox backlash – carbs, alcohol and cholesterol!
Lexi from Catching Points snapped recipeless (but with great headlines) in Cannes!
The Laughing Gastronome Emma’s poll reveals English and Scottish eggsploits with freshly laid eggs!
Indira of Mahanandi reveals conservative politician Puffy P Egg caught in clinch with spicy Indian Paratha!
About Nik reveals shocking details of prison clampdown after attempted aspareggus escape!
One Whole Clove tracks down former child star still BELTing out eggstraordinary recipes!
Chubby Hubby reveals best-kept secret of adorable chubbiness!
Amy at MotherLoad uncovers plot to add vegetables to children’s breakfast foods!
And of course, the Cooksister reveals how jilted Bacon tells French Toast: “Get stuffed!”
And that’s all folks… Thanks once again for playing along and making this such a very successful “tabloid headlines” edition of EoMEoTE. I had a ball – and it looks as though you all did too! EoMEoTE is back at the end of September – theme to be confirmed……
Thanks for that, looks like every one had a cracking good time! The one you missed was ‘walking the dog’.
This one was way too much fun, Jeanne. Brilliant job, as usual.
P.S. Hey!! How come Andrew didn’t have the full force of the law come after him for leaving out the toast?! At least I gave a good eggscuse for my transgression… ;^)
Andrew is a rebel that is why. An untamed rebel!
I am laughing so hard these entries. What a fun month.
Hi Neil
Always a pleasure doing business with you 😉 And yes, it was your comment that finally spurred me on to finish the roundup!! Thanks for putting me out of my misery re. the final song – I did suspect walking the dog, but wasn’t sure…
Hi Elizabeth
I know, I know… before I decided to give everyone their own tabloid headline, I had put you & Andrew & one other transgressor together to point out the error of your ways… but then I found I couldn’t resist the “underage chicks” thing… And I had to find a way to use “reggulator”… And the rest is history! But thank you for redeeming yourself with your subsequent contribution in compliance with the rules – you are, as always, a star 🙂
Hi Gabriella
Oh yes, that’s our Andrew – rebel without a pause 😉
Hahahaha, looks like I can’t count, you did get them all. Well done, now tell Mick to go home.