I just love chain letters. They make me break out in hives. They make me want to run screaming into the street and punch a passing stranger. They make me want to sever my internet connection – with a blunt knife. They make me want to reply and ask “do you really think Bill Gates gives a toss what you do with this e-mail??” and other words not suitable for a family blog.
But then along comes a chain letter that is masquerading as a meme and doesn’t threaten me with seven years of excessive nose-hair growth and the fleas of a thousand camels in my armpits if I fail to send it to 900 of my closest and soon-to-be-ex friends. And it’s about music. And it came from Anthony in the form of a game of musical tag – so who am I to refuse?? Right then, here goes:
1. Total amount of music files on your computer?
Don’t laugh – ONE! I’m such a Luddite. I do have a fair sized vinyl collection in storage though…. The one song I have on the PC is by a South African alternative band called “The Awakening” and an old boyfriend sent it to me. After dating me in my Goth phase for three years, he waited until we had been split up for like twelve years before discovering his inner Goth. It’s a funny old world.
2. Last CD you bought?
The Scissor Sisters. I saw them play support act for Duran Duran (yes, really them, all five of them. Don’t laugh – I though I was going to marry John Taylor for most of high school) at Wembley Arena this summer and their live act rocks! CD’s not half bad.
3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
Either “Aaj Mera Jee Kardaa” from the fabulous Monsoon Wedding soundtrack or You’re Wondering Now by The Specials – 2-tone music, can’t beat it. I was listening to both CD’s last night so it could have been either.
4. Five songs you often listen to or which mean a lot to you?
Tough competition here. Most of my CD collection is in storage back home, so I was mentally going through them to make the final cut.
Insomnia – Faithless. If I ever feel down all I have to do is play this for an instant pick-me-up. Reminds me of when Bron and I were single and clubbing and were totally convinced that we were invincible. I just have to hear the intro and I can see strobes and waving hands and smell the dry ice… “I can’t get no sleep!”
Say Hello, Wave Goobye – Soft Cell. Teenage angst made flesh. This was the soundtrack to much of my first year at university. Nobody had heard of any Soft Cell song outside of the ubiquitous Tainted Love, so this added immensely to my musical street cred. “Standing in the door of the Pink Flamingo, crying in the rain”
A Lover Sings – Billy Bragg. This was a tough choice – there is so much Billy Bragg to choose from. “A New England” was the obvious choice for remembering when you were in fact 21. But this song has such wonderful lyrics and recalls both the excitement of a relationship’s beginning and the bitter-sweetness of discovering that it’s not going to be like in the movies. “You and I are victims of a love that lost a lot in the translation”
This Corrosion – Sisters of Mercy. The most deliciously over-produced, drama-queeny Goth song ever. A huge choir, guitars, drums and Andrew Eldritch’s unmistakeable vocals. I put it on and I’m 20 again. Oh yes, and it’s a damn fine piece of stomping music to dance to as well. For the more serious Sisters fan, I’d recommend Lucretia instead. “I got nothing to say I ain’t said before, I bled all I can don’t wanna bleed no more”
The entire Time album – ELO. A “concept” album that to me represents the pinnacle of the Jeff Lynne sound. From the opening speech by a robot-ish voice (“I have a message from another time”) to the end, it’s just great song after great song. I listened to it every day for months when I was dumped by a boyfriend (not the reborn Goth!) and remember driving to the Grahamstown High Court, an hour from where I lived, with this on the car stereo and every single song seemed to have a relevant message. But most of it was so up-tempo that you didn’t get all weepy – rather, you felt a whole lot better. “Though you ride on the wheels of tomorrow, you still wander the fields of your sorrow”
5. Who are you going to pass this on to and why?
Ronni – because I imagine she has an eclectic and extensive music collection and I’d love to hear about it!
Martina – because she often writes about music she’s listening to and I’m sure she’d enjoy doing it.
Sally – because I have no idea what music she likes and I’m nosey!
Won’t be offended if any of you don’t want to – I know you’re all busy etc etc. But if you choose not to, keep a close eye on your nose-hair growth
Okay, Jeanne. Generally I dislike web memes, but you hit a soft spot in me with music. I’m posting this here as a Comment because that’s where I am right now, and I’ll link to it tomorrow from my weblog. (Damn. This comment just got rejected because no html is allowed. I hope it’s readable without…
1. Total number of music files on your computer?
Oh, my. I just checked – can this possibly be? There are 7015 music files, mostly individual tunes, but about 50 are entire albums in one file.
2. Last CD you bought?
The Jessye Norman Collection: Her Greatest Performances in Opera and Song.
3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
Let’s Burn Down the Cornfield, a Randy Newman song recorded by British bluesman, Long John Baldry.
4. Five songs you often listen to or which mean a lot to you?
Could anyone choose just five? How about a 100? And do symphonies or entire operas count? This doesn’t begin to cover what I regularly listen too, but here’s a stab at it in absolutely no particular order:
–This is cheating a little because it’s not one tune, but all five on the “slow side” of Rod Stewart’s Atlantic Crossing album because the songs all flow together in my head as one. Many years ago, I fell in love to these tunes with a fascinating, erudite, sexy man:
I Don’t Want To Talk About It
It’s Not the Spotlight
This Old Heart of Mine
Still Love You, and
–The duet of Get Happy/Happy Days Are Here Again by Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand.
–Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 – The Eroica – conducted by Leonard Bernstein with the Wiener Philharmonic. There are other good recordings, but this one will certainly do. How many times to listen to this is enough in lifetime, I wonder…
–A playlist I have of Summertime by 61 different artists. You should hear Doc Watson’s version. Or Kathleen Battle’s. Or Ray Charles’s. Or Willie Nelson’s. Oh, hell. You should hear all 61 of them, and if you’ve got any I don’t have, please send them along.
–Joe Cocker doing Cry Me a River. Nothing rocks quite like this and you gotta listen to it at least once in your life as loud you can crank it up, driving down the highway at about a 120 miles an hour.
5. Who are you going to pass this on to and why?
Cowtown Pattie at Texas Trifles because I suspect she’ll have a whole lot to say about great Texas music. http://texastrifles.blogspot.com/
Claude at Blogging in Paris because I’m curious. http://covonline.net/index.php
Laura at Kyrielle because if you stretch it just a little, she’s almost young enough to be my granddaughter and I want to know if I’ll recognize anything at all she lists. http://www.livejournal.com/users/kyrielle/
Ronni – you star! Thanks so much for making this one exception – and what a great list. It appears that my assumption of an extensive and eclectic collection was pretty spot on
If I were to add some classical music to my list I would definitely have added Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto (the second movement has me in floods of tears without fail) and Mozart’s Requiem Mass. I do agree that a limit of 5 is just plain mean – I could have gone on listing special songs for days.
Hi Jeanne,
I was going to pick “Sex Dwarf”…it sounds so twisted and sinister. Remember Marc and the Mambas? Wasn’t that a joke? Nice range of selections, BTW…
I’ve posted my chain letter on my blog, and monitoring my nose hair growth…
Reid – ooooh, why didn’t you?? Just think how hits on your blog from bizarre Google searches would shoot up!!
Marc & the Mambas was a hoot – can’t think of a single band these days that would do that. Music has become soooo boring since the end of the 1980s!!
Sal – thanks for playing along! Great selection – certainly brings back memories… And now that you’ve passed on your “tag” you can scale down the nose hair growth observation programme…
I’d like to see the playlist of 61 perfomers singing “Summertime.” Can you persuade Ronni to share?
Music, Anyone?
I’ve been reading Ronni’s blog, and Cop Car’s Beat, and they have shared a music meme from Jeanne at Cook Sister. Ronni’s answers are in the comments below Jeanne’s entry. I thought I’d toss my two cents into the mix,…
I think you and I must be from about the same era.
Say Hello and wave goodbye suddenly took me back, uh oh!
I am glad you like Insomnia. I love it too.
I have a special box set of cd singles with loads of different remixes.
Musical questionnaire
Passed on to me by Cook sister! And believe me Jeanne, I am only doing this for you, because I usually just