With touching faith in the reliability of our own senses, we humans are fond of saying “I’ll believe it when I see it with my own two eyes”. But as anybody who has spent 10 minutes in a criminal court listening to an eye-witness being cross-examined will know, our eyes, ears and memories are notoriously […]
Click here for a full portionL’Atlantide restaurant, Nantes
“Permettez-moi de vous verser un verre de vin?“, said the charming mustachioed French gentleman standing in front of me. If I had applied brain for a few seconds longer, I would have caught the “verre de vin” bit and would probably have been able to guess the rest and responded appropriately by holding out my […]
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #271
True blue – Brantes, June 2012
Click here for a full portionBuddha-Bar, London
It’s a brave man that opens a bar named after a major world religious figure – but that is exactly what the late Raymon Visan did in 1996 when he opened the first Buddha-Bar. It was not Visan’s first foray into the world of wining and dining – he had previously opened Barfly in Paris […]
Click here for a full portionSpaghetti with chorizo meatballs and homemade tomato sauce
There are those people who say that you shouldn’t mess with classics. People who start hyperventilating with indignation when you suggest putting anything on a pizza other than the ingredients that a nonna would have had at her disposal in 18th century Napoli. People who write angry letters to the local paper when their classic […]
Click here for a full portionThe Botanist review
I am an east-Londoner and I have been since I set foot on these fair shores 13 years ago. Every property I have ever lived in (only three, to be fair) has had a post-code starting with the letter E, as have two of the three companies I have worked for. I love the sens […]
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