Years ago, I remember when the Cape Town Hotel School restaurant first opened on the Granger Bay campus, literally a stone’s throw from the V&A Waterfront. “Hmph”, said my father, ever the pessimist, “why on earth would you pay good money to go and eat at a place where the chefs don’t know what they […]
Click here for a full portionCreamy chickpea, spinach and zucchini curry
Last month, my youngest nephew celebrated his seventh birthday. On the night before his birthday, his mom was putting him to bed and noticed that he seemed a little subdued. She asked him what was wrong and he replied: “I’m sad because it’s my last night of being six”. Mom responded: “But just think – […]
Click here for a full portion2013 in review – my year in ten trips
So I have shared my favourite restaurant experiences of 2013 and my favourite recipes of 2013 with you, and as promised the final part of this series is a roundup of my travels in 2013. Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seatbelts, return your seatbacks to the upright position, ensure that your tray tables […]
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #280
Early morning ski – Obertauern, December 2013
Click here for a full portionAn Italian wine dinner at Hawksmoor, Guildhall
If you had mentioned the name Hawksmoor to me five years ago, the only association I would have made was with London architect Nicholas Hawksmoor, protegé of Sir Christopher Wren and architect of at least six beautiful London Churches. Anybody who has walked around Spitalfields market or traveled on the DLR from the City to […]
Click here for a full portion2013 in review – my 10 favourite Cooksister recipes
So how is everybody feeling? Dishes done? Hangover receding from last night’s festivities? Feeling a bit peckish again? Yes? Excellent. Because whereas yesterday I shared my favourite restaurant dishes of 2013 with you, today I’m sharing my ten favourite recipes that I made here on Cooksister (in chronological order of posting). Are you sitting […]
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