A couple of winters ago, Nick and I set off on our annual ski trip. As usual, to maximise ski time and minimise cost, we were flying out of Gatwick airport at some ungodly hour, requiring the alarm to be set for well before dawn. Bags packed, passports checked, house locked and ice scraped […]
Click here for a full portionBraised baby turnips and radishes – and a workshop!
When I was a teenager, I used to keep a list of songs that reminded me of particular people and events. Looking back at them now, some songs still instantly transport be back to a particular time, place or company while other associations have been lost and can only be vaguely recalled because I wrote […]
Click here for a full portionNamaaste Kitchen review
Anybody who has visited London for any length of time will be aware of the city’s (and indeed the country’s) love affair with Indian cuisine. You can travel to the teensiest, least ethnically diverse hamlet in the remotest part of the UK… and I will bet money on the fact that you will find a […]
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #282
Window, Lagos, Portugal – January 2011
Click here for a full portionFrench onion soup with Comté cheese toasts
We have a lot for which to thank the ancient Greeks. They helped us to make sense of the world by coming up with philosophy, geometry and astronomy. They gave us small but useful things like levers, screws and coins. They are credited with inventing the concept of the map, the umbrella, the thermometer and […]
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #281
“Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.” (Herman Hesse) – Balquhidder, Scotland – November 2013
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