About a million years ago (in a historical period also known as “February 2020”), back in a time when you would laughingly scoot up close to friends in a restaurant booth to squeeze in one extra person; when you happily shared round a single cocktail so your friends could all taste it from the same […]
Click here for a full portionPlum and peach flapjack crumble [GF]
If I were to ask you: “Have you ever had a drupe?”, would you: a) tell me you’d never been so offended in your life and storm off in a huff; b) tell me that there are little blue pills you can take for that these days; c) say yes, it was the best thing […]
Click here for a full portionThe White Horse Inn, Sutton
When my parents were (and even when I was) growing up, regular flying was seen as the preserve of the rich and famous. Most people did not get on a plane until they were well into their teens or even twenties – even more so if that plane was heading “overseas”, to somewhere beyond South […]
Click here for a full portionPatron Cave a Manger (Review)
On my Instagram feed recently, in among all the photos of artfully messy food flatlays, impossibly glamorous women in maxi dresses on tropical beaches, and adorable kittens doing goofy things, I found this quote: “I need a 6 month holiday, twice a year”. And let’s be honest, who hasn’t felt like that at some stage? […]
Click here for a full portionRoasted Brussels sprouts with sesame and ginger
Synonyms. Antonyms. Possibly even homonyms. It’s fair to say most readers will be able to hazard a pretty accurate definition for each of these. But how about eponyms? Would it help if I told you that your Achilles tendon is an example of an eponym, and so is Fahrenheit?
Click here for a full portionGerard Bertrand wines and a jazz dinner at Chateau L’Hospitalet
Gerard Bertrand is sometimes referred to as “the man who saved the Languedoc”. A bold claim, perhaps… but at a time when the region (particularly the Pays d’Oc) was known principally for producing cheap, bulk wines, he set about convincing consumers that the region could make quality wine that deserved to be taken seriously. Given […]
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