Melbourne street art – Australia, October 2014
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #299
The iconic Sydney opera House – Australia, September 2014
Click here for a full portionHow to braai like a pro for National Braai Day
So the English have their chicken tikka masala; the Italians their pizza; the Mexicans their tacos; and the Americans their apple pie. Each nationality seems to have one meal that they embrace 100% and make their own, build legends around, and present to the world as their culinary shorthand. And South Africans? We have […]
Click here for a full portionClub Carnivore @ Vivat Bacchus
Carnivore, noun – an animal which feeds on other animals. Herbivore, noun – an animal which feeds on plants. The herbivores do seem to get the short end of the stick, don’t you think? Their plant-based diet is not very energy-dense and so they have to spend almost all their time and energy wandering from […]
Click here for a full portionAvocado & Parma ham eggs Benedict with fearless Hollandaise
We’ve all heard of xenophobia (fear of strangers), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) and arachnophobia (fear of spiders). Those who have done a bit of extra reading can probably also tell you that coulrophobia is the fear of clowns (surprisingly prevalent); that microphobia is the fear of small things; and that astraphobia is the fear […]
Click here for a full portionMoti Mahal [CLOSED]
As every schoolboy knows, the only drink that should correctly be served with curry is beer. Right? Well, sort of. It is true that beer does complement spicy food rather well and that you would struggle to go wrong if you ordered a beer with a curry. And this is no random assertion: the spices […]
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