In 1998, researchers at Harvard and Kent State University in the US conducted a study to see how much pedestrians on campus actually noticed about their immediate surroundings. During the experiment, an actor would approach a random pedestrian and ask for directions. While the pedestrian was giving instructions, two more actors dressed as workmen would […]
Click here for a full portionHolybelly café, Paris
I don’t often drink tequila at breakfast. Oh, sure, I’ve quaffed my fair share of Bucks Fizz at breakfasts over the years and maybe a bloody Mary when the night before has been particularly, erm, strenuous. And I would be lying if I said that I am unfamiliar with the odd tequila-fuelled late night escapade. But […]
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #302
Windfall apple – Jersey, September 2014
Click here for a full portionRoasted beetroot, rocket and feta salad with mustard lemon dressing
Which of the following apply to you? Please tick as many as you like. Are you… having trouble focusing your attention for more than a few seconds finding yourself tuning out in the middle of a conversation likely to have many projects running simultaneously always in a rush and impatient feeling of being overwhelmed […]
Click here for a full portionMestizo – real Mexican food in London
Mexican food – we all know what it is, right? Nachos or burritos with ready-mixed guacamole, loads of Cheddar cheese, and enough chillies to clear your sinuses for a year. Well, actually, no. That’s Tex-Mex that you are describing and although there is no question that it can be a delicious cuisine in its own […]
Click here for a full portionLoire wine and food matching with Fiona Beckett
It is a fact universally acknowledged that the pairing of food and wine has generated more column inches of staggering pomposity, and ignited more heated debate than almost any other vinous topic on earth. As Sid Goldstein says in The Wine Lover’s Cookbook: “The pairing of food and wine is a complex and highly inexact science. […]
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