When I was a student, we loved to play Pictionary – even more so if we could convert into a drinking game of some sort. Of course, I always insisted on being in a team with my darling future sister-in-law Paola because a) she is a talented artist, which helps a lot; and b) we know […]
Click here for a full portionA Gourmet Ski Safari in the Dolomites
** VISITOR INFO UPDATED JAN 2019 ** There are many things to love about skiing. There is the exhilaration of gliding down a snowy mountain at speed; or the sheer magic of being the first person at the top of a lift in the early morning, and then skiing down the crisp corduroy of freshly […]
Click here for a full portionEtihad’s The Residence suite in the sky – a sneak peek
My mom always said that if she managed to win the lottery and become a billionaire, she would have a few houses dotted around the world, and because money would be no object, she would have an identical set of possessions in each house so that she would never have to pack again – everything […]
Click here for a full portionBeet green, feta and Prosciutto frittata
A few years ago I wrote a Thanksgiving post which listed the ten things that I was thankful for at the time. Reading back over it, it is comforting to see that most of the things I was thankful for back then ate still the things for which I am most profoundly thankful. But reading the first point sent […]
Click here for a full portionEight excellent reasons to visit Jersey
Tell somebody that you are off to Jersey for the weekend and they are likely to respond with something along the lines of: “Isn’t America rather a long way to go for a weekend?”, assuming that you meant the state of New Jersey in the USA. And how ironic that people would sooner asusme that […]
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #303
Cock of the walk – Jersey, September 2014
Click here for a full portion