Marooned – Whitstable harbour, Kent, October 2014
Click here for a full portionPlum, Serrano ham and mozzarella salad
Pop quiz: what do the following terms all have in common: plumcots ligers labradoodles zebroids limequats wholfins jostaberries
Click here for a full portionP&O Britannia inaugural celebrations – and a first look inside
Have you ever wondered why tradition dictates that we smash a bottle of Champagne against the hull of a ship when we name her? You may be surprised to learn that it was the indirect result of a cost cutting exercise by the Royal Navy (which just goes to show that the more things change, […]
Click here for a full portionSTK London
Service Question: how many times can you walk past a London venue without actually realising it is there? Answer: more times than you think! I have walked up Aldwych and The Strand on numerous occasions but it was only when I was actually headed for dinner at STK that I realised where it was (across […]
Click here for a full portionBlood orange posset
As many of my food-minded readers might know, Saturday 14 March was Pi day – officially a day to celebrate the mathematical constant (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter), but also appropriated by the food blogging community as pie day (geddit??). They are probably also familiar with pancake day and Nutella […]
Click here for a full portionGuide to skiing in Obertauern, Austria
For somebody who only started skiing in her mid 30s, I have skied in a surprising number of countries: Andorra, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Norway. Each has its own pros and cons. France, for example, is often awash with Brits and ridiculously packed over school holidays but… heeey, tartiflette! Norway is expensive but […]
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