Eleven years ago… an unknown student called Mark Zuckerberg went on TV to talk about his little-known website called The Facebook (which only had about 100,000 subscribers at the time) 52.2 million TV viewers tuned in to watch the last ever episode of Friends the Queen Mary II, the largest cruise liner ever built, […]
Click here for a full portionShareEast: a supperclub at the London Olympic Village
Have you ever visited a former Olympic park? I have – three of them in fact. Two of them (Berlin and Barcelona) shared a kind of sad desertedness – walking among the venues it was as if you could almost hear the echoes of the crowds and the athletes, but now it was like the set […]
Click here for a full portionSeven South African wine estates you need to visit
One of the things that I have learnt as a South African living in the UK is that the wines that you see on supermarket shelves from South Africa is in no way representative of South African wines in the broader sense. For one, supermarkets demand such a massive supply of a particular product […]
Click here for a full portionA Chiva-Som dinner at the Waterside Inn
It’s not often that I feel out of my depth in social situations. 15 years of living abroad, coupled with the constant stream of new people I meet through blogging and my natural affinity for making small talk has meant that walking into any room full of strangers and being expected to socialise holds no […]
Click here for a full portionUnearthed® food and wine (mis)matching
“A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine” – so wrote Jean Brillat-Savarin, famous French epicure and gastronome and it is hard to disagree with that sentiment. Wine enhances any meal, not only with its capacity for social lubrication but it can also physically enhance the flavour of the food, just as […]
Click here for a full portionSunday brunch at the Green Bar @ the Hotel Cafê Royal
Isn’t it funny how some words in your language can evoke such strong feelings? A friend of mine recently asked her Facebook friends what their favourite English words are and the variety was quite astonishing. Some words are obviously pleasurable to roll off the tongue: sibilance, bibulous, scintillate, onomatopoeia or molybdenum. Some seemed innocuous enough […]
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