I have kept a journal in some form or another since I was about ten. I have no idea why I started, but when my father brought home a tiny pocket diary for me from one of the medical reps that had visited his office, something in my brain clicked and I started writing down […]
Click here for a full portionUni restaurant – a Nikkei experience
When people hear that I am from South Africa, one of the first things they ask is “what on earth are you doing here?”. It’s a fair question, in some ways. I mean, Britain is never going to win any sort of weather challenge; London can be painfully crowded if you are used to the wide […]
Click here for a full portionSaturday Snapshots #310
Doorway, Oxford – January 2016
Click here for a full portionDinner with Reuben Riffel
When I first visited London as a student back in 1989, I imagined it would be the most exciting city to live in in all the world. I pictured myself going to work on the Tube every day, immaculately dressed in heels and a beautiful cashmere coat. I told myself that I would come […]
Click here for a full portionReview: Bouillabaisse [closed]
What do you think the following words have in common, other than the fact that they are all food items: Bánh mì Pho Gnocchi Quinoa Beignet Millefeuille Bouillabaisse Give up yet? Apparently, according to surveys, they are among the top 20 words that diners struggle most to pronounce correctly, and the fear of mispronunciation means […]
Click here for a full portionSmoked haddock, spinach & egg skillet
“It’s a new dawn; it’s a new day; it’s a new life for me, and I’m feeling good.” – Nina Simone There’s something magical about a new year, isn’t there? It’s like a clean sheet of paper in a new notebook: unsullied by past scribbles and doodles, just waiting for a new story to […]
Click here for a full portion