The usual Friday night conversation in the Cooksister household usually extends to: shall we go straight home from work or stop for a drink; which movie shall we watch on Netflix; and which fine supermarket curry should we have for dinner? All necessary questions, I’m sure you’ll agree, but not much by way of conversation […]
Click here for a full portionA chocolate masterclass with Paul A Young & Great British Chefs
When I first arrived in London back in 2000 I, along with much of London, thought Thornton’s to be an example of a premium chocolatier. Bean-to-bar control over the chocolate-making process; single estate chocolate bars; or dinner party debate about the relative merits of Venezuelan or madagascan cocoa beans were still foreign concepts to almost […]
Click here for a full portionRhubarb and strawberry galettes
I have often wondered why I can remember almost nothing about all the trigonometry, chemistry and geometry that I learnt in high school, but yet I can give you a word-perfect rendition of all the lyrics on ELO’s classic Time concept album from 1981. One explanation is that teachers were remiss in their failure to set the […]
Click here for a full portionBehind the scenes – filming chef Jacques La Merde for AEG’s Tasteology
Many years ago when I first arrived in London, I worked for a Large Soft-drink Company. The job was only a one month temp job as PA to two of their vice-presidents, but after the initial month was up, they asked me to stay on and work for various other people for a few months. […]
Click here for a full portionMin Jiang – pairing tea and Chinese food
When I was still a teenager, my mom used to regale me with stories of her European adventure in her late 20s. She had saved up for ages, took one of the Union Castle Lines mailships that sailed back and forth between the UK and South Africa, and set sail. Somewhere, I still have the […]
Click here for a full portionQuinoa bowls with edamame and peppers
“The world can be divided into two kinds of people…” – it’s one of those sentences that we have all uttered at some point in our lives. And although at first it seems like a rampant oversimplification, I find that it is uncannily accurate and I have over the years become an inveterate collector of ways […]
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