There is a young African lady
Whose eggy events are quite crazy!
Just scramble or fry –
The month-end is nigh!
So send me your eggs – don’t be lazy!
Last month haikus, this month limericks. Off you go.
So how do you get to play along and become part of the world-wide phenomenon that is EoMEoTE? Well, it couldn’t be easier. Here are the rules:
1. Make a dish using eggs
2. The dish must also use bread (any type of carbohydrate- product to which dry heat has been applied!) under, on, alongside or near the eggs.
Then write about it and include a photo if you can, post the story to your blog and leave me a comment with the link (or e-mail it to me if you don’t have a blog) and sometime around the first weekend in June I will do a wrap-up of all the entries. No pressure, no competition. Just loads of really really bad egg puns and some eggcelent limericks (see what I mean??)
So beat it – go cook eggs!